Table des matières
Voici une sélection totalement arbitraire de modules drupal
- CCK CCK, le parent de ce qui suit
- CCK Fieldgroup Tabs Pour regrouper des champs dans des onglets (utile surtout pour des content-type avec plein de champs). Pas réussi à le faire marcher pour view sur un type cck complexe existant (OK pour edit).
- content taxonomy Ajoute un type de champ “taxonomie”. This module provides a field type for CCK for referencing taxonomy terms. (Available widgets: - selects - radios / checkboxes - autocomplete - activeselect) (au 31/05/2008 : 6.x-1.x-dev 2008-May-31 & 5.x-1.x-dev 2008-May-19)
et également
- Date pas dépendant de CCK, pour stocker une date, API dispo (au 21/06/08 6.x-2.0-beta3 2008-Jun-13).
drupal5 seulement
- CCK Facets CCK Facets is a bundle of modules that integrate with Faceted Search to expose Content Construction Kit (CCK) fields as facets. This allows users to browse field values and to filter search results with those values. (au 12/05/2008 : 5.x-1.0-beta1 2008-Apr-23 et Faceted Search en 5.x-1.0-beta3 2008-Apr-28)
- CCK Taxonomy Fields Taxonomy vocabularies will show up as field types that can be added to content types using CCK. (au 12/05/2008 : 5.x-1.2 2007-Aug-21)
- CCK Validation CCK Validation adds a content field, that lets you add custom validation to your content types. With the included Widget 'Textarea PHP Code' you can add the first custom validation rules. (au 12/05/2008 : 5.x-0.x-dev 2008-Jan-30)
- Comment CCK The comment CCK module allows comments to alter CCK fields. Works somewhat like project.module (au 12/05/2008 : 5.x-1.0 2007-Sep-08)
- CCK comment reference Shortest description ever: defines a cck field type for referencing a comment. (au 12/05/2008 : 5.x-1.0 2008-Mar-31, stable en 6)
- Computed Field Computed Field is a cck module which lets you add a computed field to custom content types. (au 12/05/2008 : 5.x-1.2 2007-May-16)
- Dependent fields The ability to show/hide form items depends on the value of another form item (au 12/05/2008 : 5.x-1.3-beta 2008-Apr-03)
- Field Actions The Field Actions module combines the power of Drupal actions with the data in CCK nodes to create new ways of working with your nodes in Drupal. This module enables action enabled modules (such as workflow.module) to reach into your nodes, pull out information, and use it appropriately. This leads to more reuse of data throughout your site, and easier creation of behavior for non-programmers and programmers alike. (au 31/05/08 : 5.x-1.0 2007-Mar-13)
- filefield Ajoute un champ “upload” (au 31/05/2008 : 5.x-2.3-rc4 2008-May-27)
- Field Thief Allow copying CCK fields from an existing node into another node on creation. Orphelin encore en dev mais à regarder éventuellement, pour dupliquer un node (lors de son passage en publié par exemple) (au 12/05/2008 : 5.x-1.x-dev 2007-Nov-22)
- Form Markup This module allows you to add surrounding HTML values to any CCK widget by determining prefix and suffix values. (éventuellement utile pour modifier le rendu d'un champ, sans toucher au thème) (au 12/05/2008 : 5.x-2.0 2007-Aug-17)
- Fixed Data Dropdown Ajoute un type de champ “dépendant” d'un autre (une liste de villes par région par exemple).
- Image field Ajoute un champ image.
- Link Ajoute un champ de type lien (url, titre,…)
- Multireference CCK field This CCK field type presents a list (or table) of multiple node or user references, each identified by a description (and, optionally, a second descriptive field). Pour référencer une liste de nodes liés ? (au 12/05/2008 : 5.x-1.1 2008-Apr-01)
- Media field Ajoute un champ media (idem ImageField ou FileField), bundle de VideoField et AudioField.
- MultiSelect Permet une sélection multiple avec deux zones (non sélectionné à gauche, sélectionné à droite, avec flèches pour passer de l'un à l'autre) (au 31/05/08 : 5.x-1.2 2007-May-09)
- Node factory Ever wanted to create nodes on the fly? This module provides functionality to do this. Peut déclencher la création d'un node et y mettre du contenu sur un événement particulier. Au 12/05/2008 : 5.x-1.x-dev 2008-Apr-19)
- NodeProfile Pour établir une liste de page concernant un critère (tous les articles d'un auteur, toutes les contenus dont le type X est Y, etc.)
- Node Relativity The module allows parent-child relationships between nodes to be established, managed and searched. You can restrict the types of nodes that can be parented and the ordinality of parents. These are used to contextually create links to add new child nodes or attach existing ones. There is also a navigation block that uses a node's ancestry to list out breadcrumb-style links. (au 12/05/2008 : 5.x-2.3 2008-Mar-17)
- PollField Un champ “sondage” ou “note” (avec les réponses à une liste de questions). (au 31/05/08 : 5.x-1.6 2008-Feb-22)
- Revision reference Defines a CCK field type for referencing one node revision from another. (Like nodereference, but referencing revisions of nodes.) (au 12/05/2008 : 5.x-1.x-dev 2008-Feb-24)
- State Reference Adds a CCK field type for referencing workflow states in CCK content types. (au 12/05/2008 : 5.x-1.0 2008-May-05)
- TaxonomySearch Pour des recherches dans la hierarchie des catégories.
- Workflow Fields Ajoute un statut visible ou lecture seule suivant l'étape du workflow (extension de Workflow).
- Workflow Required Fields The wf_required_fields module allows you to configure which fields of a CCK node are required, based on the workflow state of the node. Utile pour empêcher un changement d'état du workflow si les metadatas obligatoires ne sont pas complétés. (au 12/05/2008 : 5.x-1.0 2008-Jan-03)
Voir tous les modules de cette catégorie.
- Taxonomy CSV import (au 18/06/2008 : 6.x-1.5 2008-Apr-19 et 5.x-1.4 2008-Apr-19)
- Taxonomy multi pour enregistrer aussi tous les parents avec un node quand on lui attache un terme (au 13/09/2008 : 6.x-1.x-dev 2008-Sep-11)
- Category The category module allows you to structure your site into a tree-like hierarchy of pages, and to classify your dynamic content, all within one seamless interface. It is built upon the foundations of the core book and taxonomy modules, and it provides all of the functionality of these two modules, and much more… (au 15/06/2008 6.x-2.0-alpha1 2008-Jun-14 et 5.x-1.1 du 2007-Feb-02)
- Sitemenu This module provides a “site map” style page overview of all the categories within a site with node titles and a side bar menu to navigate the site by category (au 15/06/2008 : 5.x-1.0 2007-Jun-02 et 6.x-1.x-dev du 2008-May-14).
- Synonym Collapsing This module allows site administrators to easily collapse several similar (synonymous) terms into one super-term, as to avoid duplicate terms (for both ny and New York, say). This will likely be in core of Drupal 7. (au 21/06/08 6.x-1.0 2008-Jan-16)
- Taxonomy menu Transform any of your taxonomy vocabularies into menus easily! (au 15/6/08, 6.x-1.0 2008-Jan-31 et 5.x-1.03 2008-Jan-31). Marche pas trop sur mes tests
- Term Relation Types This module enables to specify relations between terms in more detail. For this, you can create different types of relations, which can be added to related terms. It's based on the taxonomy's term_relation table. (6x du 1/6/08)
- Taxonomy Browser Think of this as a 'build your own category view' page. (au 8/6/08, 6.x-1.2 2008-May-25 et 5.x-1.2 2008-May-25)
- Taxonomy Other This is a simple module to add an optional '- Other -' to taxonomy select lists. It allows users with the right permissions to create new terms. (au 21/06/08 6.x-1.x-dev 2008-Jun-20)
- Taxonomy Theme The taxonomy_theme module allows you to change the theme of a given node based on the taxonomy term, vocabulary or nodetype of that node. You can also theme your forums and map themes to Drupal paths or path aliases directly. (au 21/06/08 6.x-1.x-dev 2008-Jun-15)
- Taxonomy VTN Pour un index auto : This module provide a vocabularies, terms and nodes index like exists one in real book. Also synonyms, and terms are supported. (au 21/06/08 6.x-1.0-rc3 2008-May-22)
Au 13/09/2008, rien de bien terrible pour améliorer la sélection dans les formulaires d'édition sur D6, à part
- Better Select Pour mettre des cases à cocher dans les multiselect (au 13/09/2008 6.x-1.0-beta1 2008-Sep-11)
qui vient de sortir en dev et semble fonctionner correctement (pas trop de risque car pas de modif en bdd) le reste :
- Hierarchical Select est le plus avancé avec un début de port sur D6 (qui marche pas chez moi) :
- Comment Subscribe This module allows anonymous as well as registered users to subscribe to individual comments of given node. (au 5/6/2008 : 6.x-1.0 2008-Mar-06 & 5.x-1.1 2008-Mar-06)
- listhandler et mailhandler pour gérer ensemble forum & mailing list. A creuser pour les listes modérées, et éventuellement une synchro des comptes mails avec ceux de drupal. Voir aussi Mailcommand, howto utiliser listhandler & mailhandler
- Notifications This is a complete Subscriptions/Notifications Framework aiming at extendability and escalability. It allows any number of plug-ins defining new event types or subscription types or a different user interface. (au 21/06/08 6.x-1.x-dev 2008-Jun-17) Cf aussi Subscriptions This module enables users to subscribe to be notified of changes to nodes or taxonomies, such as new comments in specific forums, or additions to some category of blog. (au 21/06/08 6.x-1.x-dev 2008-Jun-18)
- og2mlm pour un couplage avec sympa
- og2list fusionne mails & forum sans mlm externe, mais apparemment il s'est arrêté en 4.7-dev (08/2008)…
- User mailman register This is a module for mailman subscribing which extends the Mailman manager module features. (au 8/6/08, 6.x-1.1 2008-Mar-20 et 5.x-1.3 2008-Feb-25).
- User mailman register This is a module for mailman subscribing which extends the Mailman manager module features.
The main feature is that, instead of sending user commands in mail format as Mailman Manager does, it sends url requests to the mailman web interface where admins manage lists members. (au 21/06/08 6.x-1.1 2008-Mar-19)
- Mailman Manager This module provides an interface through which users can subscribe to mailing lists run by Mailman. (au 8/6/08, 6.x-1.x-dev 2008-Apr-16 et 5.x-1.1 2008-Feb-22).
Pour débugger, qq modules utiles
- CCK Create Install pour créer le code d'install de type cck (D5 only).
- Coder Developer Module that assists with code review and version upgrade. The module supports a plug-in extensible hook system so contributed modules can define additional review standards. M'as tout l'air d'une usine à gaz, mais à regarder quand même.
- Devel A suite of modules containing fun for both module and theme developers
- Drush pour “Drupal Shell”, permet d'installer des modules façon apt-get, vider le cache, passer des requêtes sql, etc.
- Form Inspect Labels Forms with their form_id and provides developers with a dump of the corresponding form array. Requires the Devel module.
- Error Codes, pour tracer les erreurs php.
- Schema pour comparer le schema déclaré de la base et ce qui existe réellement (mais aussi pour créer un schema à partir d'une base ou documenter)
- Simpletest A framework for running automated unit tests in Drupal.
Contrôle d'acces
- node privacy byrole Manage which roles can view, edit, and/or delete nodes on a per-node basis. (au 8/6/08, 6.x-1.2 2008-Jun-07 et 5.x-1.2 2008-May-12).
- Acl The ACL module is an API for other modules to create lists of users and give them access to nodes. It has no UI of its own and will not do anything by itself; install this module only if some other module tells you to. (au 8/6/08, 5.x-1.6 2008-Mar-12 et 6.x-1.x-dev 2008-Apr-29).
- Active menus Activemenus makes the standard Drupal navigation menu expandable. Clickable, highlighted regions are added to the menu. When a collapsed menu item is expanded, the child menu items are loaded dynamically through AJAX. (au 21/06/08 6.x-1.x-dev 2008-Jun-21)
- Nice Menus Nice Menus enables drop-down/right/left expandable menus. It uses only CSS for most browsers, with minimal Javascript for IE. (au 21/06/08 6.x-1.1 2008-Mar-30)
à lister, voir
Yahoo UI
à lister aussi…
À surveiller
- Document Import API The goal of this project is to create a plugin based import module for Drupal that allows the upload of office suite file formats which would be parsed into Drupal nodes. Allowing even novice CMS users to generate content using a familiar office productivity suite. (au 21/06/08 docapi 6.x-2.x-dev)
- E-Publish This module helps organize a group of nodes into a publication, such as a newspaper, magazine or newsletter. Each publication can have multiple editions. Within each edition, the epublish module also makes it possible to organize content by topic, similar to the way news websites such as the New York Times categorize their content using topics such as “international,” “national,” “sports,” etc. (au 21/06/08 6.x-1.0-beta2 2008-Jun-10)
- File Framework File framework is a collection of modules which allows uploading and displaying different media type files. It uses a distributed content-addressable storage (CAS) system Bitcache for a file storage. Fait de la conversion de fichiers automatiquement ! (au 21/06/08 6.x-1.0-alpha2 2008-Jun-16)
- Flag Flag is a flexible flagging system that is completely customizable the administrator. Using this module, the site administrator can provide any number of flags for nodes. Some possibilities include bookmarks, marking important, or flag as offensive. With extensive views integration, you can create custom lists of popular content or keep tabs on important content. (au 21/06/08 6.x-1.0-beta2 2008-Jun-15). Voir aussi Flag content
- Annotate pour permettre aux utilisateurs d'annoter les pages (pour eux)
Albums photo
- PicLens en flex, avec possibilité de navigation en 3D (, mais ça marche pas sous linux)
- Image pas vraiment une gestion d'album, juste une gestion d'image (upload, vignettes, etc.)
Et aussi, pour des objets flash :
- Better Select ajoute une case à cocher en face de chaque item d'un select (pour éviter ctrl + clic) (au 21/06/08 6.x-1.x-dev 2008-Jun-11)
- Bookmarks Bookmarks provides a unique (non-shared) menu to each user.
- Calais These modules are an integration of the ThomsonReuter's Calais RDF web service into the Drupal platform. This provides the capabilities to integrate Calais Entity (and soon Event) metadata with Drupal Nodes. It also provide a flexible API for modules to use when integrating with the Calais service as well as term blacklisting and substitution rules.
- Category The category module allows you to structure your site into a tree-like hierarchy of pages, and to classify your dynamic content, all within one seamless interface. It is built upon the foundations of the core book and taxonomy modules, and it provides all of the functionality of these two modules, and much more, to help you in customizing the navigational experience of your Drupal site. (au 21/06/08 6.x-2.0-alpha2 2008-Jun-21)
- CHAT Users and Design Integrated (BoWoB) Un chat… (au 21/06/08 6.x-1.0 2008-May-30)
- Collapsiblock Collapsiblock makes all Drupal blocks collapsible. (au 21/06/08 6.x-1.x-dev 2008-Jun-20)
- DAV Provides a WebDAV API and file system-backed reference server implementation for Drupal 6.x. (au 21/06/08 6.x-1.0-alpha1 2008-May-08)
- DB Maintenance DB maintenance optimizes administrator-selected tables in the database during regular cron.php executions. For MyISAM tables, OPTIMIZE TABLE repairs a table if it has deleted or split rows, sorts table indexes, and updates table statistics. For BDB and InnoDB, OPTIMIZE rebuilds the table. Note, MySQL locks tables during the time OPTIMIZE TABLE is running. (au 21/06/08 6.x-1.1 2008-May-28)
- Iconizer This module allow inserting icons near file-links and in the Administration section pages (with Garland Theme, maybe with other still works nice). Icons are added in “pure CSS”: no theming functions overrides and no HTML added in your theme. (au 21/06/08 6.x-1.1 2008-Apr-30)
- Subdomain The subdomain module is a lightweight companion to pathauto that extends URL rewriting to subdomains, allowing you to automatically place Drupal site content onto subdomains. (par auteur/taxo/organic group) (au 21/06/08 6.x-1.1 2008-Jun-13)
- Talk Port of the talk module as a project release on It formats comments to display on a separate “talk” page in the same style as “wiki” sites. (au 21/06/08 6.x-1.4 2008-Mar-24)
- XML sitemap XML Sitemap creates a site map in accordance with the specification. (au 21/06/08 6.x-0.x-dev 2008-Jun-09 et 5.x-1.6 2008-May-22)
D5 only
- Actions The actions module allows the configuration of Drupal actions. A Drupal action is a specially written PHP function whose parameters are configured through the web. (au 12/05/2008 : 5.x-2.4 2008-Apr-29) intégré dans D6.
- Organic groups Enable users to create and manage their own 'groups'. Each group can have subscribers, and maintains a group home page where subscribers communicate amongst themselves. (au 12/05/2008 5.x-7.1 2008-May-05) Devrait être porté sur D6 juste après views.
- Token Tokens are small bits of text that can be placed into larger documents via simple placeholders, like %site-name or [user]. The Token module provides a central API for modules to use these tokens, and expose their own token values.
- Views Pour définir des vues spécifiques
- Workflow The workflow module allows the creation and assignment of arbitrary workflows to Drupal node types. Workflows are made up of workflow states. For example, a workflow with the states Draft, Review, and Published could be assigned to the Story node type. Transitions between workflow states can have actions assigned to them. In our example, we could assign an action so that when the story moves from the Draft state to the Review state an email is sent out. Another action could be assigned to the transition from Review to Published so that the node's status is set to Published (and becomes visible on your website). (au 12/05/2008 : 5.x-2.2 2008-Apr-29)
- Workflow-ng Workflow-ng allows one to customize drupal's built in workflows in a very flexible way. In short, it's a rule-based event driven action evaluation system. (au 12/05/2008 5.x-2.0 2008-Mar-07)
- Workflow Owner Workflow owner works in conjunction with workflow and optionally workflow-ng so that admins can designate “Owners” of various states for a given node. (au 12/05/2008 5.x-1.2 2008-Apr-28)
- Workspace This is a module designed for users to have a central place to view and manage their content. It's a user-centric view of a Drupal site. (reste à voir si ça ne montre que les nodes dont on est l'auteur initial où tous ceux où on a participé, code à regarder) (au 12/05/2008 : 5.x-1.0 2008-Mar-18)
- Les modules relatif à la taxonomy
- Autosave Sauvegarde automatique de contenus en cours d'édition (sous forme de révisions).
- Comment Info This module allows for anonymous guests to keep persistent comment info between comment postings. (au 12/05/2008 : 5.x-3.1 2007-Oct-15)
- Comment Mail The Comment Mail module allows an email to be sent to the site administrator(s) when new comments are posted. A link in the email allows quick approval, editing, deletion… (au 12/05/2008 5.x-0.1 2007-Jul-25)
- Comment mover This module allows you to move comments around. (au 12/05/2008 : 5.x-1.x-dev 2007-Mar-26
- Comment Notify Notifies users about new comments on pages where they have commented. (au 12/05/2008 : 5.x-1.6 2008-Mar-19). (y compris pour les anonymes donc)
- Comment OG This Module allows integration of comments into OG. When submitting a comment, a user can choose if the comment is public or can assign it to one or several groups the user belongs to. When looking at the comments the user only sees the public comments or the ones that are for the group the user belongs to. (au 12/05/2008 : 5.x-0.1 2008-Mar-05)
- Notify The notify module allows users to subscribe to periodic emails which include all new or revised content and/or comments much like the daily news letters sent by some websites. Even if this feature is not configured for normal site users, it can be a useful feature for an administrator of a site to monitor new content submissions and comment posts.
- Subscriptions This module enables users to subscribe to be notified of changes to nodes or taxonomies. (au 12/05/2008 : 5.x-2.0 2008-Apr-26)
- étent le précédent pour les notifications par “organic group” (et éviter des doublons de mails éventuels) (au 12/05/2008 : 5.x-1.1 2008-Apr-29)
cms/drupal/modules.txt · Dernière modification : 13/09/2008 15:04 de daniel